Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hypoglycemia- What This Means To You


"Warning: as many as 100 million people in this country may be suffering from a disease nobody cares to talk about! Failure to learn about it could be dangerous to your health." Dr. David Williams, author of Hypoglycemia: The Deadly Roller Coaster

"For one person in every ten, sugar is a deadly food, paving the way toward a hundred distressing physical symptoms, plus all the tortures of neurotic and even psychotic behavior. For that person a little sugar is akin to a little carbolic acid." Carlton Fredricks, PhD., author of New Low Blood Sugar and You

"The sugar laden American diet has led to a national epidemic or hypoglycemia, an ailment characterized by irrational behavior, emotional instability, distorted judgment, and nasty personality defects." Dr. Emanuel Cheraskin, author of The Vitamin C Connection

"It is an alarming fact that countless Americans suffer - unsuspectingly - from the debilitating effects of hypoglycemia, a diet-related condition caused by low blood sugar. Unless the symptoms are diagnosed, a multitude of mental and physical disorders can go undetected.: Dr. Harvey M. Ross, author of Hypoglycemia: The Disease your Doctor Won't Treat

The stresses of everyday life, consumption of excessive amounts of refined sugar, alcohol, caffeine, tobacco and the lack of proper nutrition are some of the apparent causes of hypoglycemia in our society today. Hypoglycemia is a condition of low blood sugar in the body. When we ingest carbohydrates, our digestive processes break down the carbohydrates into glucose which enters the bloodstream as a sugar and is drawn upon for energy. Glucose is used by the body to feed all the cells, especially the brain cells. Once glucose has entered the bloodstream, the blood sugar level rises and the pancreas does its job of releasing insulin into the blood to bring the glucose level back down to a normal level.

With hypoglycemia, the pancreas secretes too much insulin which results in the blood sugar level dropping way below the normal level. When glucose levels fall below normal, the cells of the body, especially the brain, become deprived of proper nourishment resulting in physical and emotional problems. Additionally, without the proper amount of glucose, the body can no longer meet its energy requirements and begins to take energy from body fat and muscle.

In our western culture, we eat diets comprised of an abundance of carbohydrates, particularly those in the form of simple carbohydrates which convert very easily to sugar. A diet characterized by an excessive amount of carbohydrates will increase insulin requirements over time and may develop into hypoglycemia.

Hypoglycemia has been cited as a condition that has more behavioral problems than any other. Dr. Seale Harris has stated that, "The low blood sugar of today is the diabetes of tomorrow."

  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Craving for sweets
  • Allergies
  • Crying spells
  • Outbursts of anger
  • Nervousness
  • Irritability, or even aggression
  • Headache
  • Hunger
  • Cold sweats
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Palpitations or feeling your heartbeat
  • Blurry or double vision
  • Confusion
  • Memory loss
  • Sleeping difficulty

  • Educate yourself about low blood sugar
  • If you suspect hypoglycemia, consult with your physician
  • If you are diagnosed with hypoglycemia, eat smaller meals and spread them out throughout the day.
  • Do not go more than 3 hours without a snack or meal
  • When eating complex or refined carbohydrates, eat with some fat or protein
  • Increase protein intake by eating chicken breast, turkey, salmon, or tuna in oil
  • Eat vegetables that are low in starch
  • Eat a diet high in fiber
  • Avoid overeating
  • Never skip breakfast
  • Avoid simple carbohydrates such as candy, honey, soda pop, donuts, sweetened cereal, cakes, sweet fruit, white and brown sugar, sucrose, fructose, glucose, molasses, dextrose, corn syrup and maple syrup.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine

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