Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Losing Weight: The Mistaken Beliefs

Losing Weight:  The Mistaken Beliefs

It's a fact that burning off less than what you consume will lead to weight gain. Many people read product labels with the belief that measuring calories in the foods they prepare will translate to losing weight or a slimmer waistline. Often they become disappointed when their efforts don't produce the desired result. All the measuring is a meaningless activity without the understanding of how the body works to store fat.   Cut Out All Fat
All fats are not equal. The body's organs, including the brain, require some fat to function. The myth begins with the idea that all fat must be eliminated. Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats are healthy and are found in olive oil, nuts and avocados. It's the hydrogenated fats and trans fats that are unhealthy and are found in many food products today.

Skip Meals for Weight Loss
In the effort to lose weight, millions skip breakfast only to gorge themselves with unhealthy foods when hunger strikes during the day. Skipping meals is unimportant next to eating more high fiber foods that are found in fresh fruits and vegetables. Eating 6 small meals to the customary 3 meals can lead to less accumulation of fat.

Eat Less Dairy
Milk, cheese and eggs do contain fat but the extra fat comes from the processing of those foods. Whole, unpasteurized milk contains more healthy ingredients than the milk that comes from cows fed grain and injected with growth hormones and antibiotics. A farm fresh egg is healthier in nutrient content than eggs that come from chickens kept in coops until they die.

Willpower is Necessary to Lose Weight
So many people believe this lie that they never get started to a healthier lifestyle. They may have the willpower to make a start, but once the weight refuses to melt away, they get disappointed and abandon their programs. Losing weight does not need to be difficult. The major mistake comes from focusing too much on weight and the expectation of losing it quickly. Weight loss has more to do with a poor lifestyle than what is consumed at the dinner table. Simply eliminating smoking and drinking habits, reducing stress and getting regular exercise can lead to a loss of weight, often without effort.

Substitute Water for Meals
Water will fill you up if you drink before your meals, but drinking gallons of it as a substitute for nutrition will tax your kidneys. You're likely to get tired of such a diet and get back into the old habits of eating the wrong foods.

You Must Engage in Intensive Exercise to Lose Weight
The idea of sweating in a gym along with trim bodies simply doesn't appeal to most people. Sweating helps detoxify the body, but intensive exercise is not necessary for weight loss. Many people confuse exercise with activity. For them, exercise means aerobics or lifting heavy weights. Activity is exercise that includes walking, gardening, cleaning house or playing ball with the kids. No one has yet complained that swimming or throwing a Frisbee at the beach are hard exercises.

Perhaps the last myth has its roots in the belief that weight loss is possible through pills, potions, diets, surgery or doctor supervision. They do help but permanent weight loss requires the same kind of effort and discipline the alcoholic needs to stay sober. There are no easy ways to shed pounds.

Control your cravings:  Find out how by watching this video


If you are interested in trying this product fill out the form on the right of this article and I can't wait to talk to you about the greatness of this product.

A Thought To Grow On:  Did you know that most vitamins taken does not absorb into your body, but pass through your intestines without your body getting any of the benefits.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is an illness characterized by profound fatigue and exhaustion leaving you unable to carry out many of life’s basic responsibilities. The specific cause of CFS is unknown and yet there has been speculation that it could be caused by iron poor blood (anemia), low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), environmental allergies, or a yeast infection (candidiasis) which affects the entire body. There also appears to be a connection between the immune system and the central nervous system in relation to CFS.

Often CFS will begin after an incidence of a cold, bronchitis, hepatitis, mononucleosis, or an intestinal bug.Periods of high levels of stress have also been attributed to the onset of CFS.Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is diagnosed two to four times more often in women than in men. The increased incidence may be influenced by biological, psychological or social factors.

  • Severe chronic fatigue that has lasted six months or longer
  • Profound exhaustion and extremely poor stamina
  • Inability to do less than half of what you are accustomed to doing because of the fatigue
  • Trouble with short term memory or concentration
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Trouble sleeping or sleep that is not refreshing
  • Pain in the joints and muscles
  • Sore throat
  • Headaches
  • Tenderness in lymph nodes
  • Psychological problems such as depression, irritability, anxiety, panic attacks, and mood swings
  • Weight changes without changes in diet

  • Educate yourself about CFS
  • Discover how to adjust your activities that may aggravate the illness.
  • Pace yourself throughout the day physically, emotionally and intellectually.
  • Establish a regular and manageable daily routine.
  • Avoid unusual physical or emotional stress.
  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Get adequate rest.
  • Exercise regularly and yet without causing more fatigue.
  • Certain vitamins, coenzymes and minerals have been found to be beneficial to CFS:Coenzyme Q-10, iron, magnesium sulfate, melatonin, vitamins B12, C, A and zinc.
Get green alternatives to boost your energy. http://agreeneryouconsultan.wix.com/home-business

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Acne: Home Remedies You Can Use


Acne is an inflammatory skin disease affecting the tiny pores which cover the face, arms, back and chest and the oil glands attached to them. It is interesting to note that acne is not caused by dirt or poor cleanliness but rather by an abnormal response in the skin to normal levels of the male hormone, testosterone, found in the blood of both males and females.

The physiological explanation for acne is that an entire pore collapses from deep within the skin somehow blocking the oil or sebum from draining to the surface. As the oil becomes trapped, bacteria begin to grow and develop into acne characterized by whiteheads, blackheads, pimples and cysts.

Acne is most prevalent in adolescents and young adults yet adults in their twenties and even into their forties can get acne. It has been noted that nearly 85% of people between the ages of 12 and 24 develop this disorder. Another factor to consider regarding acne is that heredity or genetics appear to be connected. Some studies have shown that many school-age boys with acne have a family history of this disorder.

  • Acne is characterized by blackheads, whiteheads, pimples and cysts on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and upper arms.

  • Wash your face twice daily with a gentle soap using your hands not a washcloth.
  • Wash your face as soon as possible after exercise.
  • Wash your hands more frequently and avoid putting your fingers and hands to your face unnecessarily.
  • Do not squeeze, pick, scratch, or rub your skin.
  • Shampoo your hair at least twice a week
  • Keep a record of the foods you eat and try to figure out if any foods make your acne worse.
  • Avoid foods high in fat such as chocolate, nuts, peanut butter, cheeses, potato chips, and popcorn if they appear to make acne worse.
  • Get physical exercise regularly.
  • Try food supplements such as retinol, zinc, selenium, vitamin C, evening primrose oil, B vitamins, vitamin E, Chromium and Echinacea.
Melaleuca has a great all green facial cleansing solution that will solve your Acne problems. 

Watch this video to see this great skin caresolution by Melaleuca:

If you are interested in Sei Bella skin care products then fill out the form to the right of this page and I can't wait to talk to you about the Sei Bella product line.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Atherosclerosis Leads To Heart Attack, Stroke, and Kidney Failure


"In many countries, atherosclerosis is the leading cause of illness and death."

Atherosclerosis comes from the Greek words athero meaning gruel or paste and sclerosis meaning hardness. This disease refers to a condition involving plaque which builds up on the inner lining of the artery. The plaque develops from deposits of fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste products, calcium and other substances. As the level of the plaque increases blood and oxygen are restricted from flowing freely though the artery. Further injury is caused when plaque becomes brittle and fractures causing blood clots to form. These blood clots are very life threatening as they travel through the blood vessels to different parts of the body. If the clot travels to a blood vessel feeding the heart, a heart attack precipitates. If the clot travels to a blood vessel leading to the brain, a stroke results. When atherosclerosis becomes severely advanced, angina, abnormal heart rhythms, heart failure, and kidney failure may also develop.

Atherosclerosis can affect arteries in the brain, heart, kidneys, other vital organs and the arms and legs. Atherosclerosis begins slowly, oftentimes in childhood and progresses with age. It has been noted that in a portion of the population the disease progresses rapidly during the ages of thirty to forty. With other people, it becomes dangerous in the fifties and sixties. Some scientists believe that the advent of this disease begins with damage to the endothelium which is the innermost layer of the artery. Possible causes to the damage are elevated levels of cholesterol and triglyceride, high blood pressure, tobacco smoke and diabetes. Once the damage occurs, the various substances are deposited in the artery wall.

There are various risk factors that have been attributed to the development of atherosclerosis: high blood cholesterol, cigarette smoking and being exposed to tobacco smoke, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, advancing age and physical inactivity.
Men have been found to have a higher risk than women but this changes as women enter into menopause making the risk equal to that of men.

  • Pain and cramps at times when blood flow can't keep up with the demand for oxygen.
  • During exercise, chest pain, angina, may be felt as a result of lack of oxygen to the heart.
  • While walking, one may feel legs cramps because of a lack of oxygen to the legs

  • Lower the risk factors you can control such as high blood cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, obesity, and lack of exercise.
  • Eat a healthy diet comprised of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat milk products, and lean proteins.
  • Limit intake of food high in calories and low in nutrition.
  • Limit yourself to one alcoholic drink a day for a woman, and two for are a man.
  • Begin and maintain a level of physical activity which will keep you fit and equals the number of calories you eat.


Melaleuca has products that help keep cholestorol, high blood pressure, and diabetes down.  These products are GC Attain which is used to help control diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol by keeping your system balanced during the day.  ProvexCV which helps maintain healthy blood pressure levels and healthy arteries by effectively reducing LDL oxidation using a patented combination of natural grape seed and grape skin extracts, quercetin and bromelain, plus resveratol and green tea extract.  You can find these and other healthy all green alternatives from Melaleuca by visiting this page and reading up on all the products and testimonies at this website; http://agreeneryou.tellmethestory.com/       Become a preferred customer and save on brands that are better and less toxic than brands you buy in the store.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Candle Wax Removal: How To Do It


"This past winter I used my gas fireplace quite a lot and as a decorative item I had a multi-candle display piece in front of it. One evening when I came home, I turned the fireplace on and forgot to move the candle display. Needless to say, when I remembered that the candles were sitting so close to it, I found most of them were puddled on the floor." - Leslie Oliver

Burning candles is a wonderful way to bring warmth and ambiance to your home. But how often has that candle dripped unwanted wax onto your tablecloth or carpet? So what is the safest and most effective way to remove candle wax stain without using harsh chemicals?

  • Dried wax spills on your tablecloths and carpet

  • Scrape off surface wax with a dull knife.
  • For a tablecloth stain, place stain between clean paper towels and press with a warm, dry (not steam) iron.
  • For a carpet stain, put several layers of paper towels down and press lightly with a warm, dry (not steam) iron until all wax is removed.
  • Move paper towels frequently, or change paper towel to absorb wax and avoid transferring stains.
  • DO NOT IRON COLORED CANDLE WAX - heat will drive colored wax deeper into the fabric and will permanently set the wax dye.
  • Apply cleaning agent to spot once wax is removed.
Thank you for reading my blog.  Please join my facebook fan page. 

Eye Itching? It Could Be Pink Eye Conjunctivitis


"Occasionally I get a germ in my eye that itches and turns my eye red, probably conjunctivitis." - Julie Kane

Pink eye or conjunctivitis is redness and inflammation of the conjunctiva, the clear covering which coats the white of the eye and also lines the inside of the eye lids. This ailment can come on very quickly causing discomfort, itchiness and pain. Often, acute conjunctivitis will clear up on its own. Most commonly caused by either a bacteria or virus, conjunctivitis may also be caused by an allergic reaction.

Viral conjunctivitis will usually affect one eye causing excessive eye watering and a light discharge whereas bacterial conjunctivitis will affect both eyes causing a heavy discharge, sometimes greenish. Although this ailment is usually a minor eye infection sometimes it can sometimes develop into a more serious condition. One is more prone to contract conjunctivitis following a cold but anyone can pick it up.

  • The eye is pink or red, with the blood vessels over the white of the eye more visible and swollen.
  • The lining of the eyelids look more pink or red than usual.
  • Pink eye often starts in one eye and moves to the other.
  • The eye is sticky with a discharge, being worse upon arising in the morning.
  • The eye is itchy or painful.
  • Often, it is difficult to be in bright light because it hurts your eyes.

  • Pink eye is very contagious, therefore wash your hands frequently and avoid touching or rubbing your eyes.
  • Don't share washcloths, towels or pillowcases with anyone else, and wash these items after each use.
  • Don't share eye drops, eyeliner, eye shadow or mascara. Replace these products after you are healed to avoid becoming infected again.
  • Warm compresses may help soothe eyes.
Thank you for reading my blog.  Please join my facebook fan page.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Does Your Bathroom Promote Mildew

Does your Bathroom Promote Mildew?

"I needed to get rid of mildew to recaulk a bathtub, without using strong chemicals like Clorox, which would aggravate ADHD and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. Our original bathroom has no exhaust fan and the window is stuck shut. A couple years of showers take their toll. I had serious black mildew under a white vinyl self adhesive strip caulking substitute. I pulled up the strip first, revealing the sheer grossness of the mildew." - Ruth

"Mildew is defined as a common name for mold or fungi, often used in reference to fungal growth on bathroom tiles and fixtures," according to Microbial Diagnostics, a national company recognized for its expertise in microbial contamination and indoor air quality. Mildew produces spores, microscopic seeds, which germinate in warm and moist environments floating through the air like pollen.

Mildew can be distinctly identified from other molds by its thin, sheet-like appearance that will frequently cover an entire surface. It can be black or white in color and leaves a musty, sour smelling odor. The key to mildew control is moisture control.

The bathroom in your home may be creating an environment which promotes mildew growth. The hot showers and baths taken in a bathroom not well ventilated will cause humidity to build up, encouraging the growth of mildew. Mildew in bathrooms grows on the walls and doors of the shower and bath tub as it feeds on body oils and soap scum which is trapped on grout, curtains, and tiling. Poor lighting in the bathroom is another factor that contributes to mildew growth.

There are health factors related to mold and mildew in your bathroom as well as other rooms in your home. People are affected by mildew when the mold spores are either touched or breathed into the lungs. Where there is a high concentration of mold or mildew, allergic symptoms may appear such as watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, itching, coughing, wheezing, difficulty with breathing, headaches, fatigue and skin irritations. Those most susceptible to being adversely affected by mildew are infants and children, elderly persons, those with weakened immune systems and those who suffer with respiratory conditions such as asthma and allergies.

  • In the bathroom, mildew will appear on the walls of your shower or bathtub, on shower curtains, grouting, and tiling having the appearance of a thin, sheet like mold.
  • Mildew covers the surface and may be black or white.

  • Keep your bathroom well ventilated with an exhaust fan.
  • Consider repainting your bathroom with mildew proof paint designed for high moisture areas
  • Wipe down bath and shower after each use, try using a squeegee
  • After washing your shower curtain, immerse it in salt water to prevent future mildew growth
  • Hang wet towels and washcloths up promptly to deter mildew growth.


  • Mold and mildew counts dramatically increase during removal, so consider taking some precautions
  • Anyone with allergies, asthma or emphysema should not do clean up.
  • Open windows during clean up for ventilation.
  • Turn on exhaust fan.
  • Shut off bathroom vents to other parts of the house to prevent spores from traveling.
  • Wear rubber gloves
If you are experiencing mildew problems in your bathroom, don't use bleach on them because bleach is very bad for your health.  There is a product that works the same as bleach and is less harmful to your household.  It is called Melaleuca Tub and Tile.  You can learn about this and other things at http://agreeneryouconsultan.wix.com/home-business

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Hot Spots On Your Dog And What to Do About It.


Hot spots or "acute moist dermatitis" is a bacterial infection appearing on your dog characterized by hair loss and an oozing, red and inflamed sore. The bacterial infection begins with a skin irritation to the dog which causes extremely uncomfortable itching. To alleviate the itching, the dog begins scratching, licking and chewing the area incessantly to gain relief. These bacterial infections not only appear very quickly but once the dog has begun the vicious cycle of scratching, licking and chewing, the infection becomes worsened very rapidly.

The most prevalent irritants to the dog's skin are fleas and allergies but there are many other causes such as ear infections, poor grooming, mange, or other insect bites. Boredom and stress have also been linked to hot spots.

Hot spots are most commonly found on the legs, feet, flank and rump where the dog can most easily access to scratch and lick, but they are also found on the ears, neck and chest. Long- haired dogs most commonly are afflicted with hot spots because bacteria become trapped under the long hair, creating a perfect environment for the bacteria to thrive. Dogs with floppy ears also commonly get hot spots because air does not circulate readily, fostering hot spots on cheeks and under ears.

  • Area of hair loss with very reddened and infected skin
  • Abundance of scratching, licking and chewing to the affected area
  • Sore that omits an odor

  • First step in the healing process is to keep the hot spot dry by cutting excess hair from around the infected area and allowing air to flow freely.
  • Discover the possible irritants such as fleas or allergies.
  • If you suspect allergies, work with your vet to discover solutions.
  • Keep flees off your dog.
  • Regularly bathe your dog to keep the hair coat in good condition.
  • Keep your dog well groomed.
  • Feed your dog a healthy, balanced diet.
If you would like to get care for your pet and become a preferred customer of a all green and organic family based company then visit this site and watch the video about Melaleuca on the presentation page.  http://bit.ly/VkLvDU

Monday, February 4, 2013

Food Poisoning: How To Protect Your Family From Intestinal Illness


 Home is the source of half of infectious intestinal illnesses, study shows. "The home is the source of about half of all intestinal illnesses in Ontario, according to a study published in the International Journal of Food Protection. The study, co-authored by Professor Marilyn Lee of Ryerson University and published in the June issue of the Journal, looked at more than 44,000 reported cases of intestinal illness in Ontario between 1997 and 2001 and found that half had their origin in the home."

Which room in your home would you believe to be the most prone to disease causing bacteria? It is not the bathroom as many would suspect but rather it is your kitchen which is a hot spot for microbes. Your common household disinfectant has been found to be effective against bacteria that cause food borne illnesses, and research has been proven that with regular use the incidence of food borne illnesses declines greatly. Dr. Charles Gerba, a microbiologist at the University of Arizona, Tucson, and his colleagues conducted a study by sampling sites within 15 different homes. They found the highest levels of contamination to be in areas that remain damp, such as kitchen sponges and rags, kitchen sinks and the kitchen faucet handle. Kitchen counters, cutting boards and refrigerator handles should also be disinfected regularly. They found that regular cleaning had little effect on the bacteria but by regularly using disinfectants the bacteria level was reduced by 95%. They found the main cause of disease causing bacteria in the kitchen to be raw meat.


  • Replace kitchen sponges and rags often, at least once a week. Sponges can be disinfected by putting them in the dishwasher. Wash dish rags in the washing machine then dry on high heat.
  • Cutting boards are breeding grounds for bacteria. Wash with regular dish detergent then sanitize with a disinfectant. Keep two cutting boards, one for meat and one for fruits and vegetables. You may also put your cutting board in the dishwasher for sanitizing purposes.

  • Kitchen counter tops should be disinfected regularly.

  • Disinfect refrigerator handles, sinks and drains and sink faucets regularly.


The improper handling and preparing of food is also a major cause of food borne illnesses in the home. A very simple but often overlooked basic exercise in food safety is the thorough washing of hands before handling food. This will greatly reduce the risk of food contamination. When washing your hands, make sure to use a rubbing motion for 20 seconds because this rubbing does make a difference in removing pathogens.


  • When grocery shopping, purchase your frozen and refrigerated items last and put them into the refrigerator or freezer promptly.

  • Use different dishes for raw and cooked food.

  • Defrost food in the refrigerator or microwave, not on the counter.

  • Cook foods thoroughly and do not eat raw or partially cooked eggs.

  • Cool and promptly store leftovers by either putting in refrigerator or freezer. Remember bacteria grow at room temperature.

  • Don't leave perishable foods out more than two hours.
If you would like to become a preferred customer of a green business that fights against this type of illness and many more like it.  Come to this site and read testimonials and then leave your contact information. 

Ear Mites In Your Pets Ears Can Harm Them


Ear mites are common to both dogs and cats but are more commonly diagnosed in cats. So, what is an ear mite? Ear mites (Otodectes cynotis) are tiny crab-like parasites which live on the surface of the skin lining in the ear canal of dogs and cats. More commonly, younger animals are susceptible to ear mites but it is not uncommon for older animals to also be affected. The adult ear mites feed off the wax in the animals ears which causes chronic itchiness and creates a black crusty substance in the ear. With ear mite infections, often there are secondary infections with bacteria or yeast. Ear mite infestation should be treated quickly because left unattended there is risk of bacterial infection and possible hearing loss.

  • Excessive and continuous scratching around ears
  • Increased ear wax
  • Head shaking
  • Black crusty material in ears
  • Foul smelling odor coming from ears

  • Regularly observe your pet and check your pet's ears for above symptoms
  • Have your animal examined by your vet if your suspect ear mite infestation
  • If medication is prescribed, give your pet the entire course of the prescription
  • Treat other animals in your household because ear mites are highly contagious.
  • Treat the pet's environment for mites because ear mites have been found to survive off the pet
 If you are looking for green products or a stay at home business opportunity, I can help you with that.  I am the leader of a business team trying to get people to switch to products that are green so we can stop polluting mother earth.  If interested click this link and fill out the contact information.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hypoglycemia- What This Means To You


"Warning: as many as 100 million people in this country may be suffering from a disease nobody cares to talk about! Failure to learn about it could be dangerous to your health." Dr. David Williams, author of Hypoglycemia: The Deadly Roller Coaster

"For one person in every ten, sugar is a deadly food, paving the way toward a hundred distressing physical symptoms, plus all the tortures of neurotic and even psychotic behavior. For that person a little sugar is akin to a little carbolic acid." Carlton Fredricks, PhD., author of New Low Blood Sugar and You

"The sugar laden American diet has led to a national epidemic or hypoglycemia, an ailment characterized by irrational behavior, emotional instability, distorted judgment, and nasty personality defects." Dr. Emanuel Cheraskin, author of The Vitamin C Connection

"It is an alarming fact that countless Americans suffer - unsuspectingly - from the debilitating effects of hypoglycemia, a diet-related condition caused by low blood sugar. Unless the symptoms are diagnosed, a multitude of mental and physical disorders can go undetected.: Dr. Harvey M. Ross, author of Hypoglycemia: The Disease your Doctor Won't Treat

The stresses of everyday life, consumption of excessive amounts of refined sugar, alcohol, caffeine, tobacco and the lack of proper nutrition are some of the apparent causes of hypoglycemia in our society today. Hypoglycemia is a condition of low blood sugar in the body. When we ingest carbohydrates, our digestive processes break down the carbohydrates into glucose which enters the bloodstream as a sugar and is drawn upon for energy. Glucose is used by the body to feed all the cells, especially the brain cells. Once glucose has entered the bloodstream, the blood sugar level rises and the pancreas does its job of releasing insulin into the blood to bring the glucose level back down to a normal level.

With hypoglycemia, the pancreas secretes too much insulin which results in the blood sugar level dropping way below the normal level. When glucose levels fall below normal, the cells of the body, especially the brain, become deprived of proper nourishment resulting in physical and emotional problems. Additionally, without the proper amount of glucose, the body can no longer meet its energy requirements and begins to take energy from body fat and muscle.

In our western culture, we eat diets comprised of an abundance of carbohydrates, particularly those in the form of simple carbohydrates which convert very easily to sugar. A diet characterized by an excessive amount of carbohydrates will increase insulin requirements over time and may develop into hypoglycemia.

Hypoglycemia has been cited as a condition that has more behavioral problems than any other. Dr. Seale Harris has stated that, "The low blood sugar of today is the diabetes of tomorrow."

  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Craving for sweets
  • Allergies
  • Crying spells
  • Outbursts of anger
  • Nervousness
  • Irritability, or even aggression
  • Headache
  • Hunger
  • Cold sweats
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Palpitations or feeling your heartbeat
  • Blurry or double vision
  • Confusion
  • Memory loss
  • Sleeping difficulty

  • Educate yourself about low blood sugar
  • If you suspect hypoglycemia, consult with your physician
  • If you are diagnosed with hypoglycemia, eat smaller meals and spread them out throughout the day.
  • Do not go more than 3 hours without a snack or meal
  • When eating complex or refined carbohydrates, eat with some fat or protein
  • Increase protein intake by eating chicken breast, turkey, salmon, or tuna in oil
  • Eat vegetables that are low in starch
  • Eat a diet high in fiber
  • Avoid overeating
  • Never skip breakfast
  • Avoid simple carbohydrates such as candy, honey, soda pop, donuts, sweetened cereal, cakes, sweet fruit, white and brown sugar, sucrose, fructose, glucose, molasses, dextrose, corn syrup and maple syrup.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine

If you are looking for all natural and green products to support your health and have it delivered directly to you, then visit this page and read the testimonies for these products or you can view the presentation video on how to become a preferred customer.  http://agreeneryou.tellmethestory.com/