Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How To Get Rid Of House Spiders


Spiders, while beneficial, can be unpleasant to have in the house. Most people prefer to eliminate them, but the eight legged creatures can be difficult to banish from a home. Regular insecticides don’t work, so what does?

There are a few methods of reducing the number of spiders in your house, but it is highly unlikely that you will completely eliminate them. Keep in mind that spiders do eat other bugs, so they are helpful in that way and having a handful around is a good thing in the long run.

Keep Your House Uncluttered

Spiders often find homes amid the stuff that people store, particularly if it is in cardboard boxes. Keeping this to a minimum will help reduce the amount of spiders you find. Eliminate stacks of paper and put everything into plastic bins for easy storage. These should be moved and dusted on a regular basis.

Getting rid of piles of stuff is the first step. Once your house is sufficiently uncluttered, you can take a vacuum and go through the entire place, room by room. Start with a clean bag and vacuum all corners, baseboards, along vents and wall sockets, etc. The ceiling should also be vacuumed and around windows. Under beds and furniture is also necessary. Don’t just clean the floor, though, turn the furniture over and get the little spiders hiding up in the corners. Take the bag outside when you are done, since the eggs can still hatch and most of the spiders will still be alive.

Spiders prefer unused areas, so when their chosen home is cleaned and moved frequently, they will look elsewhere for a place to live.

Eliminate the Food Source

Spiders feed on bugs, so where there are insects, there will be spiders. Keeping food put away is the best way to keep tasty insects like flies at bay. Garbage should be taken out regularly and kept away from the house.

Pet food can also cause an infestation of bugs, so if possible, feed your animals outdoors, or keep their food in a smaller room where you can vacuum easily for spiders. If you use bug sprays, then this can also get rid of the food source for spiders, though the sprays have little effect on the arachnids themselves.

Keep Spiders Out

Of course, the best way to get rid of spiders is to stop them from ever making it indoors in the first place. It is literally impossible to seal every single crack where spiders might come through, so the trick is to make it unappealing to do so.

Spraying vinegar in the corners and wherever spiders tend to reside will help get rid of them. You can also spray water mixed with eucalyptus essential oil around doors and windows. This repels spiders, so they are less likely to make it into the house in the first place.

Keeping the grass trimmed and flower beds weeded outside will also help keep spiders away from the house. Too many plants against the outer walls provide great homes for them and they can then easily find their way into your home.

While you may not completely eliminate spiders, it is possible to reduce their number

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