Friday, March 29, 2013

Home Remedies To Help You With Arthritis

Home Remedies To Help You With Arthritis

Arthritis is a debilitating inflammatory medical disorder affecting primarily the joints and other connective tissues. It is further divided into more than 100 forms with a diverse set of causes and localizations. With an estimate 50 million patients in the U.S. alone, this disease concerns a large number of persons and understanding its symptoms and proper care is a must. The main complaint when having arthritis is pain and inflammation of the joints and the nearby area, thus leading to movement difficulties, muscle strains and fatigue. Usually, patients also suffer from a decrease in quality of life and the resulting psychological effects are long lasting and require special attention.

The following list describes some home remedies for arthritis meant to relieve pain and lead an active and fulfilling life:

Try to be as active as you can is the first advice. Arthritis is a disease which affects people of all ages, but mainly the elderly. This doesn't mean that you should stand back and be a couch potato. As soon as the first signs of the disease occur, you should keep active and fight the pain with daily exercises. Picking an active outdoor hobby can help. Whether it is light jogging, gardening, taking your dog out for a walk or cycling, your body will feel better and the symptoms, mainly pain, will become bearable. Another great sport recommended for arthritis sufferers is swimming. Also, indoor activities can boost your general fitness levels and will fight joint stiffness. Easy aerobic exercises and stretching are recommended for any patient, regardless of age. Experience with different type of movements such as rotations, extensions, lifting or light jumping to keep your joints active, tone your muscles and strengthen bones. Squeeze in a minimum of 30 minutes of light aerobic exercise every day and you will definitely see results.

A very important element in relieving the effects of arthritis is weight management. Being overweight or obese definitely doesn't help, as the weight on your bones and soft connective tissues is larger. This translates into more pain and stiffness. Try to shed as much weight off as you can. Coupled with an active lifestyle, losing those extra pounds should be no problem.

Eating healthy is another great part of the home remedies for arthritis plan that anybody should know. A diet made of fruits, vegetables and low fat dairy products will do wonders for bone structure and joint health. Getting enough calcium to your bones is essential when having arthritis. Also, taking food supplements may be a solution, but asking for a physician's advice is sensible.

Use hot or cold compresses to help relieve the pain. Try using a pair of electric gloves during the night to keep your fingers warm and prevent excruciating pain in the morning. Heat helps relax muscles and reduces stiffness or discomfort. Also, hot showers or applying warm, wet towels on joints can extend the beneficial effects of heat. Cold procedures can also act as pain relievers for the arthritis patient. Apply cold compresses when you have bouts of pain or gout. Keep the cold compresses on restricted areas so you don't get chilly.

Other tips to know as an arthritis patient involve management of house choirs and other common practices to live comfortably. Try to sit when you are doing difficult or long tasks. Whenever you are writing or working on the computer you should always bring a comfortable chair near you. Remember though to keep changing your position so you don't get stiff. Keeping your objects at close reach is another helpful tip. Rearranging shelves and other pieces of furniture is advisable. Your favorite books, tools or devices should be within hand reach and must not put you at risk when trying to get them. In case there are objects positioned in difficult places, try to use an extension or hand reaching tool.

Let the tiresome activities of cleaning and preparing food to specialty appliances or devices. Washing machines are common in every household, and dishwashers are also helpful, along electric knives, electric tea kettles and electric toothbrushes. Use these appliances to help you through the repetitive and painstaking household work.

Also, think about replacing spherical door knobs with simple long handles. The grip is way easier for the long type of handles and the movement is less complex.
Lastly, the most important part of any home remedy for arthritis is finding the best way to just relax and relieve the stress. Coping with this often debilitating disease is difficult for most patients. But if you can find relaxing hobbies or any enjoyable game or activity, the disease will only affect a small part of your life. You must learn to find the best parts of everything and never let arthritis rule your life.

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